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Om Shanti
Wellness Solutions

Happiness for your Mind, Body and Soul


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Welcome to the world of Inner Happiness and disease free Mind, Body and Soul. 

Om Shanti Wellness Solutions at Ahmedabad has been started to extend Integrated Medicines with a Holistic Approach  for medical treatment and health improvement.

Today, the people of whole world is suffering from lots of Body Diseases, Mind Diseases and Soul Diseases. Every Medical and other systems, Every Doctor, Every Motivation Gurus, Every Religion tries to solve these disease in separate way in their own way.

Doctors treats only Body as a Separate identity, Psychiatrists treat Brain in their way, Motivational Gurus and Institutes treat Mind as separate Identity and Spiritual Gurus and Institutes treat Atma (Soul) as a separate.  Due this a man cannot be healed or cured 100% perfectly because a Man is Whole with Mind, Body and Soul combinely.

Holistic Healing is a philosophy of treating the person as a whole, Mind-Body-Soul in the context of one's physiological, psychological, emotional, nutritional, lifestyle, sociological, environmental and spiritual aspects, both in sickness and in health. The holistic assumption is that the body has a remarkable innate capacity to heal itself.

Integrated Solutions is the method of integrating different systems like Allopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, and other Complementary Healing Therapies like Yoga, Meditation, Chakra Vigyan (Psycho Neurobics), Medical Astrology, Acupuncture from around the world for the treatment of the patient. Healing by incorporating appropriate modern medical techniques with traditional medical systems based on individual needs.

We at
Om Shanti Wellness Solutions at Ahmedabad treat a person as a whole i.e. Mind, Body and Soul combinely i.e Holistic way by Best holistic treatment by integrating various Healing methods - Allopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Astrology, Yoga, Meditation, Chakra Vigyan (Psycho Neurobics), Acupuncture and other Healing therapies.  All this is available under one roof at Ahmedabad.

We welcome you all to visit us or call us to cure your illness and Get your Permanent Happiness of your Mind, Body and Soul back again which was with us since our birth. 

Be free from Fear, Panic, Anxiety and Depression which are biggest mind diseases after Corona by reaching us.

Be Happy and let us make world happy again towards Satyug.

Our Strength:

  • Qualified and experienced doctors from different systems of medicine.

  • Quality and authenticity of treatment.

  • Residential and non-residential medical and health programs.

  • Affordable cost of treatment.

  • Subsidized treatment for the under privileged.

  • Prevention, early intervention and treatment of illnesses.

  • Health promotion with safe, natural medicine that has no side effects.

  • Chronic, rare and incurable conditions treated successfully.

  • Increased health consciousness at a multi-dimensional level, to enable one to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

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